Policies & Standards


View PDF » National Policy For The Environmentally Sound Management Of Hazardous Wastes (Green Paper)

View PDF » Orchid Conservation Policy

View PDF » Policy for National System of Protected Areas

View PDF » Beach Policy


View PDF » Users' Guide to The Natural Resources (Hazardous Waste) (Control of Transboundary Movements) Regulations, 2002

View PDF » NRCA Ambient Air Quality Standards

View PDF » Ambient Water Quality Standard (Freshwater)

View PDF » Ambient Water Quality Standard (Marine)

View PDF » Interim Irrigation Standards

View PDF » Sewage Effluent Standards

View PDF » Trade Effluent Standards

View PDF » Interim Standards for Petroleum in Ground Water and Soil

View PDF » NRCA Stack Emission Targets for Existing Sources

View PDF » NRCA Stack Emission Standards for New Sources

View PDF » Noise Standards

View PDF » Motor Vehicle Emission Standards