NEPA Discusses Development Approvals With New Kingston Residents

July 30, 2019

A team from the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) met with over 50 residents in the New Kingston area on Thursday, July 25, 2019 to discuss development approvals of concern to the community.

The meeting was moderated by Mr William Reeson, President, New Kingston Citizens’ Association and included a presentation titled, the Agency’s Guidelines for Development in Seymour Lands and New Kingston Local Planning Areas, under the Kingston and St. Andrew and the Pedro Cays Provisional Development Order, 2017.

Residents from communities including, Haining Road, Worthington Avenue, Hillcrest Avenue and Hopfield Avenue attended the meeting. Ms Kari Douglas, councilor, Trafalgar Division was also present. Participants at the meeting were provided with an opportunity to raise issues of concern. Issues raised included, the citizens’ involvement in the planning process, the removal of trees and inadequate green spaces within residential developments, commercialization of sections of New Kingston, noise nuisance and the impact of high rise buildings.

The NEPA representatives responded to residents assuring them that their concerns were being heard. The Agency has committed to make the Kingston and St Andrew and the Pedro Cays Provisional Development Order, 2017 available via CD. Residents were reminded of the Agency’s open door policy as a means of engaging and discussing development proposals of concern within their area.

Speaking after the meeting, Mr Leonard Francis, Director, Spatial Planning, NEPA, explained that the Agency was pleased with the interaction during the session. “The NEPA values the input of community groups and appreciates the issues raised by the residents. We acknowledge that sustainable development cannot occur without the community, and as such we are grateful for their interest in the issues raised.”

The Agency wishes to remind the public that the Town and Country Planning Kingston and St. Andrew and the Pedro Cays Provisional Development Order, 2017 is available online at Residents in Kingston and St Andrew are being encouraged more become familiar with the policies and zoning proposals contained in the Development Order to be able to identify land use, zoning breaches and other planning issues, so that these may be appropriately addressed.


Leonard Francis (standing), Director, Spatial Planning, NEPA making a presentation during the New Kingston Citizens’ Association meeting held on June 25, 2019.