
Beach Safety Tips

  • Wherever possible, always swim at a lifeguarded beach.
  • Learn to swim. The best thing anyone can do to stay safe in and around the water is to learn to swim--this includes adults and children.
  • Stay within the designated swimming area, ideally within the visibility of a lifeguard.
  • Read and obey all rules and posted signs.
  • Never swim alone.
  • Supervise children closely, even when lifeguards are present.
  • If you get into trouble stick your hand in the air and shout for help.
  • Be knowledgeable of the water environment you are in and its potential hazards, such as deep and shallow areas, currents, depth changes, obstructions and where the entry and exit points are located. The more informed you are, the more aware you will be of hazards and safe practices.
  • Keep a lookout for aquatic life. Water plants and animals may be dangerous. Avoid patches of plants. Leave animals alone.
  • Make sure you always have enough energy to swim back to shore.
  • Swim parallel to shore if you wish to swim long distances.
  • Stay away from piers, pilings, and diving platforms when in the water.
  • Protect your head, neck, and spine -Use a feet-first entry when entering the water. Enter headfirst only when the area is clearly marked for diving and has no obstructions.
  • Do not mix alcohol with swimming, diving or boating. Alcohol impairs your judgment, balance, and coordination, affects your swimming and diving skills, and reduces your body's ability to stay warm.
  • Don’t try to swim against a current if caught in one. Swim gradually out of the current, by swimming across it (sideways) until free.
  • Pay attention to local weather conditions and forecasts. Stop swimming at the first indication of bad weather.
  • Know how to prevent, recognize, and respond to emergencies.
  • If you see someone in difficulty, never attempt a rescue. Tell a lifeguard, or, if you can't see a lifeguard, call 119 or 110 and ask for the Coastguard.

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