Jamaica Beach Guide

Boston Bay Beach


Boston Bay Beach is in Port Antonio, Portland, close to the communities of Fairy Hill and Boston.

Description & Environmental Features

The beach is characterized by fine to medium sand cream in colour, large rocks dominate the sides of the beach. The beach is well vegetation with trees, these include Seaside Mahoe (Thespesia populnea), West Indian Almond (Terminalia catappa) and, coastal grass (Ammophila breviligualata).

Accessibility and Parking

Boston Bay lies along the main road and has only one entrance to the area. Parking is available for numerous vehicles.


Boston Bay is well known for its surfing and jerk pits. Patrons can rent water equipment for surfing, snorkelling, or windsurfing. Patrons can dine on the beach or purchase food from the numerous Jerk pits which are only five minutes away from the beach. The beach has a bathroom, showers, changing room, and gazebos making this beach an ideal location for special events such as family trips or parties.

Rehabilitated by

Location Map

   Fees & Hours
Entrance Fee $200, the fee associated with the use of the bathroom and shower facilities
Opening Hours 9:00am to 5:00pm
Sea conditions High waves
Lifeguard Service Lifeguards on duty
Amenities & Access

Boston Bay lies along the main road and has only one entrance to the area.

Parking available
Owned by Beaches Control Authority
Telephone (876) 754-7540 and 422-1103
Email pubed@nepa.gov.jm