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Marine Biologist Says No To Delay Of Styrofoam Ban

Published by: The Gleaner on November 14, 2019

MARINE BIOLOGIST Professor Mona Webber has added the weight of her own voice to the call to ignore appeals to delay the implementation of the January 2020 ban on styrofoam. According to Webber, director of the Centre for Marine Sciences at The University of the West Indies, there is too much at risk for the environment and for public health.

JET Releases Results Of International Coastal Cleanup Day Jamaica 2018

Published by: Jamaica Environment Trust on January 21, 2019

The Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) has released the results of last year's International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) Day activities in Jamaica. On ICC Day 2018 - Saturday, September 15, 9,332 ICC volunteers removed over 102,000 pounds of garbage from Jamaica’s coastline. Plastic beverage bottles continued to top the list of items collected on ICC Day in 2018 – over 250,000 plastic beverage bottles were collected.

25 best beaches of 2018, according to TripAdvisor

Published by: Insider on December 7, 2018

There's nothing like the arrival of the cold winter months to make us dream about the best vacations we've had this year. Warming up by the fire is the perfect place to plan your next getaway — preferably, to somewhere with white sand, blue water, and a lot of relaxation.

Need help picking out your top destination for the new year? According to TripAdvisor user ratings, here are the world's best beaches of 2018, with the best beach finishing the list.

Weekend Escape: Unwinding at Lyssons Beach

Published by: The Star on December 7, 2018

The newly renovated Lyssons Beach is a good chill spot for anyone seeking to get away and soak up some sun, sea and sand. The upgraded St Thomas attraction opened to the public last month after receiving a $49-million facelift as part of the Tourism Enhancement Fund's National Beach Development Programme.

The Best Caribbean Beaches For 2019: The Ultimate List

Published by: Forbes on December 6, 2018

One of my favorite destinations in the world is the Caribbean with its warm waters, sandy shores, and great cocktails. With so much destruction during Hurricane's Irma and Maria over a year ago, I am thrilled to report most of the best beaches and waterfront hotels are back in action with quite a few of them better than before. The perfect retreat for millions of tourists worldwide, the Caribbean not only offers up an amazing escape from cold winter climates but also creates memories to last for a lifetime.

Jamaica Remains a Global Tourism Power – Min. Bartlett

Published by: Jamaica Information Service on December 5, 2018

Tourism Minister, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, says Jamaica’s impressive showing at the 2018 World Travel Awards (WTA) in Lisbon, Portugal, on December 2 is further testament to the country’s emergence as a major global tourism power.

Jamaica was named the ‘World’s Leading Beach Destination’, and ‘World’s Leading Cruise Destination’.

This is the beach that has toppled Whitehaven as the best beach in the world

Published by: news.com.au on December 4, 2018

We might think Whitehaven is the best beach in the world. But hundreds of top travel experts think this European spot is better.

It has snow-white sand and bright turquoise waters, it’s a stone’s throw from the iconic Great Barrier Reef, and it’s in an Australian state famous around the world for its perfect weather.

These Caribbean Beaches are among the Top 50 in the world

Published by: Loop Jamaica on November 27, 2018

It is no secret that the Caribbean is filled with amazing beaches but how do they stack up to beaches around the world? Turns out, pretty well.

According to Flight Network’s latest World's Top 50 Beaches report, the Caribbean is holding its own among the top beaches in the world. The list was compiled with input from over 1200 journalists, editors, bloggers and agencies from around the world, who eat, sleep, and breathe travel.

Dump-Up Beach to Become Emancipation Park of Montego Bay

Published by: Jamaica Information Service on November 26, 2018

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, says the development if a state-of the-art beach park at Closed Harbour Beach in Montego Bay, St. James, will transform the city, creating additional recreational space, while enhancing the tourism product.

“We are going to create the Emancipation Park of Montego Bay right here,” he said at a Town Hall meeting held at the project site on November 22, where the architectural design for the development was shown to the public.

$49-m upgrade to Lyssons Beach

Published by: Jamaica Observer on November 16, 2018

Minister of Tourism Edmund Bartlett said the $49 million upgrade of the Lyssons Beach in St Thomas “is not about building beaches for tourists, but for the people of Jamaica that tourists will also enjoy”.

'Very rare' dolphin stranding in St Thomas

Published by: Jamaica Observer on November 6, 2018

WHILE noting that a stranding of dolphins along the island's coastline is very rare and unfortunate, the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) says it will be surveying the area of White Sand Beach in Holland Bay, St Thomas, for other strandings and investigating the possible cause of the incidents.

NEPA examining ways of using Sargassum seaweed

Published by: www.iriefm.net on November 5, 2018

The National Environment and Planning Agency, NEPA, is examining ways of using Sargassum, even as the seaweed is showing up on the island’s north and south coasts.

Recently, the large brown seaweed mass floated onto the shoreline in St. Mary.

It has already affected Welcome Beach in Clarendon, Helshire in St. Catherine, and the Lime Cay.

Winning The Fight For Public Beaches

Published by: The Gleaner on September 30, 2018

Discovery Bay community groups have won a major victory. Peach Beach is not going to be privatised. It will soon be upgraded by the Government and maintained as a public beach. It took a lot of hard work. A 'Save our Beaches' campaign was launched. There were protest meetings in the square, media interventions, and negotiations with politicians. Just a constant struggle!

Why no upgrade of Clarendon beaches, Mr Bartlett?

Published by: The Gleaner on September 29, 2018

On January 23, 2015, The Gleaner carried a story captioned 'Smooth sailing for beach upgrade programme'. Wykeham McNeill, the then minister of tourism, announced the initiative, during the Sectoral Debate, of at least one beach in every parish being "transformed to make quality recreational spaces available to the public, visitors and residents alike".

J'cans urged to get involved in cleaning beaches

Published by: Jamaica Observer on September 13, 2018

Public Relations Officer at the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), Ollyvia Anderson (right), provides details about the Adopt a Beach programme, at a JIS Think Tank. Looking on is Beaches Coordinator at NEPA, Chalene-Roye Myrie.

Seaweed nightmare - Businesses suffering because of unsightly brown algae

Published by: The Star on September 3, 2018

Patrick Hill, who has been working on the Hellshire Beach for more than a decade, clears a section of the Sugarman's Beach at Hellshire of sargassum. The seaweed has been found washed up on the beach, and has been a source of major concern for beach goers.

Coastal Management and Restoration Guidelines: Jamaica

Posted: August 27, 2018

The Restoration Guidelines present strategic planning considerations and from this, clearly outline the process that should be followed when planning, designing and managing coastal management and beach restoration interventions. The Guidelines are therefore intended for: Technically competent persons from organisations or groups with responsibilities or a need to undertake planning, design, or monitoring/maintenance of technical interventions.

Jamaica Environment Trust - An Introduction to Better Beach Management for Jamaican Communities

Posted: August 27, 2018

Jamaica has 87 public bathing beaches which are designated for the use and enjoyment of the Jamaican people by the Government of Jamaica. Public bathing beaches not only provide opportunities for recreation and the enjoyment of nature, but they are also important sources of income generation for Jamaicans, via cook shops, water sports and other recreational activities. Jamaica also has over 120 fishing beaches, where fishers land their catch and sell the fish. Some public beaches are designated as both bathing beaches and fishing beaches, but the two categories are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Jamaicans are concerned that they are losing access to public beaches, as more and more hotels and other types of infrastructure are built along the coast.

The Tourism Enhancement Fund Beach Rehabilitation programme

Posted: August 21, 2018

This project aims to enhance public access to beaches to ensure that these recreational spaces are available for use by all citizens, given the high demand of tourism for beaches. Understanding the project cycle, design and construction times and using previous experiences to guide operations, the Tourism Enhancement Fund has embarked on the execution of the design plan for several beaches across the island.

Closed Harbour Beach, St. James

Posted: August 21, 2018

This project promises to be one of the most transformational projects in the tourism sector and will offer a place for recreation and business. The project is proposed to house among others:

  1. Jogging Track
  2. Artisan Village

A lease is a licence to exploit?

Published by: The Gleaner on August 12, 2018

I certainly regret the error in the headline of my column published last Sunday: 'J$13,000 a year to lease Puerto Seco Beach!' It's the annual licence to operate the beach that costs this pitifully low sum. The cost of the lease is, allegedly, J$3,000,000 (reported as J$2 million per year for the first three years by Coy Roache, managing director of Jamaica Bauxite Mining Limited, in a letter to The Gleaner published yesterday). But even this much higher fee is still a steal.

We're Not Just Bitching Over Beaches

Published by: The Gleaner on August 11, 2018

The recent debate about the Puerto Seco Beach has revealed, once again, that we need to have a conversation about leisure. We need to begin talk about how accessible and affordable recreational spaces are for the majority of our citizens, the absence of these facilities in communities, including new developments, and what opportunities exist for everyone to enjoy the country like tourists, expats and wealthier Jamaicans.

Turtle killers arrested — NEPA

Published by: Jamaica Observer on August 2, 2018

KINGSTON, Jamaica — Men observed on a video killing a turtle in Nine Miles Bull Bay in St Andrew on June 6, have been arrested and charged for breaches under the Wildlife Protection Act, the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) has reported.

Emancipate All Beaches Now!

Published by: The Gleaner on July 29, 2018

Emancipation Day is a prime occasion for us to reflect on the legacies of plantation slavery. On August 1, 1834, enslaved Africans were emancipated. Sort of! They were forced to work for free for another four years under a new scheme called Apprenticeship. In effect, they were compensating their presumed masters for their own emancipation.