Jamaica Beach Guide

Manchioneal Beach, Portland Long Bay Beach, Portland St. Margaret's Bay Beach, Portland Long Bay Beach, Portland Hope Bay Flamingo Beach Drapers Rio Bueno Prospect Salem

Sea Turtles

Help protect our sea turtles

  1. If you see a nesting turtle, hatchling or turtle tracks, report it to NEPA.
  2. Do not touch turtles.
  3. Stay clear of the path of females entering or exiting the beach.
  4. Do not interfere with eggs or hatchlings.
  5. If a turtle or its nest is in distress or immediate danger, contact NEPA immediately (876) 754-7540 , toll-free (1-888-991-5005) or social media Whatsapp (876) 819-6372 Facebook twitter instgram.
  6. Leave nests, nest markers and signs undisturbed.
  7. SHIELD or TURN OFF ALL LIGHTS that shine on the beach that are visible from the beach. This includes fishing lamps, flashbulbs, house lights and flashlights. Do not use flash photography.
  8. Remove furniture, cabanas, sports equipment, and similar items from the beach at night.
  9. Camp /Bonfires and motorized vehicles is strongly discouraged on the beach.
  10. Do not remove sand and any sea life such as Urchins, Star fish and Coral.

Coral and all species of sea turtle are protected under the Wild Life Protection Act, 1945 and the Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Act, 2000.


Offences must be reported promptly to the nearest police station.


Persons found in possession of turtles or any of these items can be fined up to $100,000 or imprisoned for up to one year.


It is an offence to have sea turtles in one's possession, whether whole or part, dead or alive. This includes adult turtles, hatchlings, shells, meat, eggs and all other turtle products (for example, turtle shell craft items or jewellery).