Jamaica Beach Guide

Orchard Beach / Old Steamer

Beach Location

18°27'12.87"N      78° 1'37.13"W
Orchard Beach is a public bathing beach located along the North Coast Highway. It is also known as Old Steamer Beach as there is a shipwreck that is located within the nearshore.

Description & Environmental Features

The beach consist of fine white sand. Old reef rocks are scattered along sections of the beach near the high water mark. The area shows signs of erosion. An extensive seagrass bed is located just beyond the swim zone. A fringing reef lies approximately 400 metres offshore that offers protection to the seagrass lagoon and beach. Coastal vegetation includes West Indian almond (Terminalia catappa) and seagrape (Coccoloba uvifera).

Accessibility and Parking

The beach is easily accessible and lies along the main road between Hopewell and Sandy Bay. There are no designated parking areas, however, the area is able to accommodate several vehicles.


There are no bathroom facilities for public use. A small shop and bar is located to the west of the beach.

Things to do

The beach is fit for strolling and swimming. Nearby attractions include Barbican Estate and the Hanover Museum and the Tryall Golf Course.

Location Map

   Fees & Hours
Entrance Fee None
Opening Hours Non-restricted

Sea conditions Generally calm
Lifeguard service No lifeguards on duty
Amenities & Access

The beach is easily accessible and lies along the main road between Hopewell and Sandy Bay.

small shop and bar
Owned by Hanover Municipal Corporation
Telephone (876) 956-2305
Email hanoverpc@mlge.gov.jm